We are back! It has been 5 1/2 long months since we've been back in the "Land of Smiles." We like to spend some of our Sunday mornings going to the Wawee Coffee and then walking across the bridge to the Warorot Market. Warorot is a huge flower market and they have great outdoor food stalls as well. It is a very chaotic place teeming with masses of people and vehicles of all kinds. I don't know how I lived without Wawee coffee before coming to Thailand. It is very addicting! Must be the caffiene.
We feel so at home here and it is wonderful to be back. The girls are getting back into somewhat of a routine and our sleep patterns have started to become regular. I think it is safe to say that we are over our jet lag. It still seems so surreal that we are actually back in Thailand. We have been back only 11 days, but sometimes I have to pinch myself, usually on the cheek, since nobody else will.
The girls seem to be adjusting well to being back here, although the heat and humidity is draining us of energy. I forgot how hot and humid it can get here. I have to take 2-3 showers a day just keep me from feeling sticky all the time. I had heard from my friends that we were gone back to the States during one of the hottest years on record for Chiang Mai. Thank God for that one. Even the Thais were complaining of the heat. If they were complaining, then you know it was hot.
I also wanted to appologize to all who follow this blog that I haven't kept up on the posts regularly. The time spent in the States doing fundraising was an all consuming job in itself. I do appreciate your patience.